john jay artinya
- A John Jay cipher, if I'm not mistaken. I'll be able to decode it.
kalau aku tidak salah ini sandi John Jay akua akan bisa memecahkan kodenya. - She was raised in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, and went to John Jay High School in Park Slope.
Ia menghabiskan masa kecilnya di Sunset Park, Brooklyn, dan bersekolah di John Jay High School di Park Slope. - On 13 February 1785, the Dutch ambassador Van Berckel wrote an extended letter to John Jay, in which he explained the situation.
Pada tanggal 13 Februari 1785, duta besar Belanda Van Berckel menyurati John Jay yang isinya menjelaskan situasi konflik ini. - President and chief executive officer John Jay Hopkins started looking for companies that would fit into Electric Boat's market in hopes of diversifying.
Dengan semangat diversifikasi, direktur Electric Boat, John Jay Hopkins mulai mencari perusahaan yang cocok dengan pasar milik Electric Boat. - Garcetti majored in political science and urban planning and received a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University in 1992 as a John Jay Scholar.
Dia mengambil jurusan ilmu politik dan perencanaan perkotaan dan menerima gelar BA dari Columbia University pada tahun 1992 sebagai John Jay Scholar. - He has since worked as a teacher and researcher at the Washington School of Psychiatry, Harvard University, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he helped to found the Center for the Study of Human Violence.
Setelah itu, ia bekerja sebagai pengajar dan peneliti di Sekolah Psikiatri Washington, Universitas Harvard, dan Kolese Peradilan Kriminal John Jay, tempat ia membantu mendirikan Pusat Studi Kekerasan Manusia. - The Federalist (later known as The Federalist Papers) is a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the pseudonym "Publius" to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution.
The Federalist (kelak disebut The Federalist Papers) adalah kumpulan 85 artikel dan esai yang ditulis (di bawah nama samaran Publius) oleh Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, dan John Jay yang mendukung ratifikasi Konstitusi Amerika Serikat.